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Community-centered high school library: A hub for learning and collaboration

The high school library boasts a diverse collection of 24,000 titles, along with online and physical magazines, audiobooks and eBooks, catering to both academic pursuits and recreational reading.

Designed as a community-focused learning hub, the library welcomes parents, students and teachers alike to engage in reading, learning, research and knowledge-sharing. Teachers frequently bring classes for research projects, and there are quiet study rooms available for tutoring or individual study.

The atmosphere exudes warmth and comfort. The collection is housed in metal 60/30 shelving encased in wood, with slotted side walls for customizable signage. Visitors can select from a variety of high-quality seating options or utilize the cozy work and reading corners. The round shapes of the lighting and acoustic ceiling islands elegantly complement the rounded shelving systems throughout the space.

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