Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023 -
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023Products
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023Products
Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
Public library
Completed 2023Products
New colourful youth department
The central library in Kristiansand has in recent years carried out an extensive renovation on several of the library's floors. In 2023, the library opened a brand-new youth department on the second floor. The result is a beautiful, functional, and colourful youth department which is used extensively.
The goal for the youth department was to create a cozy and somewhat screened-off area from the rest of the library. Here, young people can meet for socializing, and both the seating and work tables for group and school work are very popular. At the same time, the path to fiction in the adult section is short.
The library is furnished with both recycling, conversion of existing furniture and new shelving. The new colourful shelving systems create a small oasis in fine contrast to the existing natural coloured shelving. The existing sofa, which previously had a different shape elsewhere in the library, has been re-designed into an eye-catching seating area using new back elements in several, harmonious colours.
In the new department with newspapers, magazines, and comics, round shelvings create a room in the room and give an airy look with its low height. The round shape is included in the eye-catching seating area against the wall as well as in the seating group on the floor.
The children's area was designed a few years ago, and here biophilic design is expressed in many ways. Nature is invited inside through the use of wall foil, products, and colours. In the small cave, exciting experiences can be organized for the little ones, and in the custom-made amphitheatre it is possible to hold gatherings for slightly older children and school classes.
The impressive tree has a lush, parachute-like crown and forms a fine gathering point in the "harmony of the forest", where the children can find peace for good reading experiences.
- Helge Eek
Products used at Kristiansand Public Library, Norway
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