Everything your library needs!
Item no.: E3154

Paperback Covers
Item no.: E82120

Book Foil in sheets
Item no.: E3109

Filmoplast SH Cloth Tape 20/30 mm
Item no.: E3116

Filmoplast T Cloth Tape 30/50 mm
Item no.: E3123

Vinyl-coated Cloth Tape
Item no.: E3086

Label Protection
Item no.: E3159

Easy Hold Protection Tape
Item no.: E3091

Easy Wings
Item no.: E3167

Book Squeegee
Item no.: E3162

Burnishing Bone
Item no.: E3164

Tape and foil dispenser Neschen TA 3
Item no.: E3166

Tape Dispenser
Item no.: E2710

Book Glue
Item no.: E2717

Glue Brush
Item no.: E2743

Glue Stick
Item no.: E3170

Cutting Mat
Item no.: E3163

Item no.: E3151

Strong Scissor
Item no.: E3074

Book Cleaner
Item no.: E2322

Self-Adhesive Card Pocket
Item no.: E2320

Self-adhesive book pocket, roll
Item no.: E2371

Book Pocket
Item no.: E2856

Filmolux Corner Pocket
Item no.: E2886

Media Pocket
Item no.: E2881

Magazine Cover
Item no.: E2902

Magazine Cover
Item no.: E2904

Rubber Band for Magazine Cover
Item no.: E82050

Labels by the Roll
Item no.: E226413

Free Text Labels Small
Item no.: E225022

Free Text Labels Large
Item no.: E2224

Round Removable Label
Item no.: E3342

DYMO Marking Tape
Item no.: E2229

Label dispenser
Item no.: E2760

Permanent Marker Pen
Item no.: E2034

Permanent Coloured Marker Pens
Item no.: E3793

Schoolboard Pens
Item no.: E3843

Chalkmarker Pens
Item no.: E1870

AV-Media Box
Item no.: E3849

AV-Media Box
Item no.: E2919

Self-adhesive AV-media Pocket
Item no.: E170210

Gladsaxe Pocket
Item no.: E2936

Reinforced Pocket
Item no.: E50042

Combi Box
Item no.: E50043

Combi Box
Item no.: E3812

UniKeepTM Box
Item no.: E3802

UniKeepTM Box
Item no.: E3804

UniKeepTM Sleeve
Item no.: E170704

Item no.: E3853

Blu-Ray Box
Item no.: E3854

Blu-Ray Box
Item no.: E2813

Daisy Box
Item no.: E2814

Disc Insert
Item no.: E3899

Hanging Protection Screen
Item no.: E3891

Protection Screen
Item no.: E3931

Monitor Mount with Arm
Item no.: E3844

Tesa Powerstrips
Item no.: E3007

Gudy Dot Glue Dispenser
Item no.: E3444

Item no.: E4387