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Vika Acoustic Lighting

Vika Acoustic Lighting

Design: Khodi Feiz for Abstracta

Vika Acoustic Lighting from Abstracta

Vika Acoustic Lighting combines elegant lighting design with sound-absorbing technology. Ideal for libraries that appreciate both aesthetics and functionality.

The lamp creates a comfortable work environment by reducing noise while enhancing lighting in different areas of the library. The soft, sound-absorbing core is made from partially recycled PET bottles.

With its elegant and modern approach to optimising room acoustics and lighting, the lamp supports the library's need to create functional and inviting work and reading environments.

Vika Acoustic Lighting is available in different screen colours. Please note that we offer the entire range from Abstracta.

Size 1500 x 155 x 283 mm
The lamp comes with a three-metre-long power cord and a cord lock. The fixture is easy to adjust in height.
The Vika collection also includes Vika Floor Screen.