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School libraries - Transport and delivery

Make borrowing a book easy and simple

After the pupils have been tempted by the many titles in the school library it is time for taking the books home. The harder part is to make sure the pupils return the books again.

Book trolleys are practical and helpful products for returning and transporting books and other materials in the library. Make sure to use trolleys for return zones and stations so it is easy to put back books in the shelving systems after they have been lent out.

Since our first book trolleys was launched more than 50 years ago, many new trolleys have arrived. Be inspired on how to use book trolleys in school libraries.

Halland book trolley
Practical, single-sided, and stable book trolley with four shelves.

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Crossrunner Maxi
User-friendly and ergonomic book trolley with grip on both sides.

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Book trolleys for returning
Use the trolleys for returned books and make it easy to transport the books back onto the shelves.

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Return zones and stations
Ergoline transport trolley is a spacious trolley for storing many books and can be used for overview and sorting of returned materials.

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