School libraries – Study places
A place for peace and absorption
It is important that the pupil has the necessary place to study in the library – either individually, in groups, or at homework cafes.
Zones with soft couches and chairs call for peace and absorption – a must have during the busy weekdays. Make sure to have worktables in the right height and comfortable chairs placed close to the books and other necessary work material. The study places must be both cozy and practical to make sure the pupil can concentrate and get their work done.
Here is a collection of study place interior for school libraries to support reading and learning among young people.

Make it comfortable
Soft couches and chairs are ideal for peaceful and quiet studying.

Sit up high or stand up
Study alone or work in groups around a high table.

Study places for all
Workspaces with good lighting and quiet surroundings are important for all pupils.

Comfortable environments for working in groups
Create study areas where the pupils can work together and brainstorm on big tasks as well as smaller assignments.
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