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Kerteminde Library

New library doubles visitor numbers 

In the heart of Kerteminde, Denmark, Kerteminde Library has not simply undergone change; it has undergone a complete transformation. Once attracting 5,000 monthly visitors, Kerteminde Library has now evolved into a cultural hotspot, boasting over 10,000 visitors each month. This remarkable surge in attendance has been evident since the grand opening on 30 April 2024, when the doors to the new library swung open for the first time.

The former supermarket, which occupied the building, vacated its space, paving the way for a comprehensive renovation that not only expanded the library's physical footprint but also redefined its vision and capacity. Lone Svensson, Acting Director, reflects on the significant transformation:

“When we took over the building, it felt like facing a blank canvas. We needed to transform the space from a supermarket into a modern library that could meet the needs of our community. There were numerous decisions to make, from layout and interior design to functional zones and bespoke furnishings that would meaningfully deliver our vision.”

> See more images from Kerteminde Library

Ladbyskibet i børnebiblioteket.

Tailored solutions

Maritime theme and functional elegance

The inspiration for the new library design is deeply rooted in Kerteminde’s rich maritime heritage. “We wanted our library to reflect our location by the water,” explains Lone Svensson. As a result, the Ladby ship, an iconic local attraction, became the centrepiece of the unique design, where dark wood contrasts beautifully with blue and white hues to create a calming atmosphere. Throughout the library, custom-designed furniture and bespoke graphic illustrations provide each space with a distinct identity, celebrating the town's unique characteristics while infusing a sense of renewal, modernity and elegance. Moreover, several shelving systems from the old library have been repurposed and refurbished with new components to support sustainability.

The colour scheme of the library was crucial. Evoking nature and biophilic design, the blue and white tones not only recall the sky and sea but also elicit feelings of tranquility and clarity as soon as one steps inside the library.

“It’s important for us that visitors feel welcomed and inspired from the moment they enter. The colours and different zones create a sense of calm, and despite the many families and children present, the library remains remarkably quiet,” says Lone.

Before photo: Kerteminde Library.

Before photo: Children's library.

After photo: Kerteminde Library.

After photo: Children's library.



A library for all

Environments for diverse needs

By implementing various zones, the library has successfully achieved a harmonious balance between serene reading areas and lively, creative spaces. It was essential for the library to accommodate everyone and to create areas for different activities and age groups.

The children's library is a bustling hub for families, where children can not only read but also play and explore among picture book browsers and specially designed cave furniture. The maritime theme unfolds through graphics on the walls, and children immerse themselves in fantasy with the dominating presence of the Ladby ship in the area. At the opposite end of the library is the newspaper zone, where visitors can find solace in their reading. Senior citizens, especially, gather here to discuss local events and engage in social interactions with other members of the community.

One of the significant improvements in the new library is its flexibility, with all furniture on castors, allowing meeting rooms and communal spaces to adapt to various purposes. “All our furniture is designed to be easily movable, so we can swiftly adjust the spaces for different activities, from lectures and workshops to dance and music events. We have a library that is adaptable, enabling us to keep pace with developments and the needs of our visitors,” states Lone.

Lone Svensson, Acting Director, Kerteminde Library.





Project Lead and Interior Designer from Lammhults Biblioteksdesign.

The design process

A successful collaboration

The success of the project stems from a robust collaboration between our interior designers and Kerteminde Library, built upon our design process. From initial inspiration meetings and briefings, we have navigated complex decisions regarding design, furniture, functionality and aesthetics together.

“We have had an amazing process with Lammhults Biblioteksdesign, where we could discuss everything and resolve issues collaboratively,” Lone shares. “They have been receptive to our visions and helped us realise them in ways we could never have achieved alone. Their expertise has been invaluable, and it has been a pleasure to continually bounce ideas off one another.”

This collaboration has not only resulted in a beautifully designed library that is anchored in the town’s landmarks and history but has also produced groundbreaking interiors that highlight the library's role as a centre for learning, culture and community in Kerteminde.


Job satisfaction

Dynamic environment

The new library design has not only benefited visitors but has also created a more dynamic and inspiring environment for the staff. “We have experienced significantly greater job satisfaction and can better tailor our workspaces to our needs, which has boosted our productivity. We now have much more space, and our working areas are much better designed. As an employee, one can only feel delighted with the new facilities,” adds Lone.

With its modern décor, tailored solutions and diverse offerings, the new Kerteminde Library has become more than just a place for learning; it is a cultural centre that inspires people of all ages, interests and backgrounds.

“We have received a wealth of positive feedback from both local residents and tourists. Visitors want to return home and influence their own local libraries after experiencing ours. Children often resist leaving. Overall, people have been respectful and taken good care of our library. It truly is a pleasure to come to work every day,” says Lone.



From 3D drawing to interior design - Entrance zone.

From 3D drawing to interior design - Youth department.


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Products used in Kerteminde Library