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Accessories for 60/30 Classic

The 60/30 shelving system provides a framework where you have the possibility of building your own personalized shelving system that fits the theme of your library and target group.

This can be done with different types of shelves or various functions elements and thereby create unique shelving systems.

Use one or more of the following functions to build your own shelving system:

  • Magazine display and storage
  • Cabinets
  • Audio visual installation
  • Work stations
  • Multimedia storage
  • Browsers
  • Signage
  • Book supports

60/30 Classic Shelving is EU Ecolabel certified for all steel products.


Book supports :
The book support is one of several opportunities for book support in your library. Watch the instruction movie for using the book support.

Needs assembly yes
Assembly guide 60/30 Classic
Brochures and catalogues 60/30 Round Shelving System
Brochures and catalogues 60/30 shelving system
Brochures and catalogues Steel Browsers
Guarantee and spare parts 60/30 Classic Shelving System
Technical specifications 60/30 Classic Shelving System